Helium Porosimeter
Porosity is a fundamental parameter in calculations of volumetric oil in place, as well as predicting flow rates in given reservoir zones. It is used in scale-up models, leading to estimates used in treatment facility design. The PDP-300® porosimeter is an automated system designed to measure a sample’s grain volume and calculate its porosity, grain density, and bulk density in a few simple steps.
Technical Specifications:
- 200 PSIA Digital Pressure Transducer with +/- .02 % Full Scale Accuracy
- Fully Automated Operation
- Internal on-board PC and Data Acquisition minimizes Footprint and Cables
- Helium Thermal Equilibration Chamber
- 0.5 Micron Filtration of incoming Helium with a 0.5 Micron Unit fitted between the Matrix Cup and Valves
- Low Maintenance Metal Seal Diaphragm Valves, surface mounted for easy access
- Advanced PC-based Data Acquisition and Control Software calculates real time Grain Volume, Grain Density, Pore Volume, and Porosity
- Three Internal Reference Volumes
- External Pressure Port for stressed PV Measurements (optional external type core-holder)
- Matrix Cups and Calibration Billets to run 1" diameter x 3" length and 1.5" diameter x 3" length Samples
Shipping and Installation
System Training and Maintenance