Utilizing gas rather than water to determine steady state (SS) permeability in conventional cores eliminates potential reactions with the rock and samples remain clean at the conclusion of measurements. Standard industry permeameters can have results range from 0.001 to 30,000 millidarcy. Due to limitations within instrumentation resolution and accuracy, the rates for error grows higher for results at or lower than 0.001 millidarcy. Fortunately, MetaRock Laboratories’ Steady State Permeameter, is designed to overcome the challenges associated with quantifying low permeability measurements and avoiding major pitfalls. This permeameter measures the stressed steady state permeability, using typically nitrogen, at a constant temperature. By incorporating digital pressure transducers, mass flow controllers, an oven enclosing a core holder, coupled with the MRL custom software, the user can calculate permeability in a time efficient and accurate way.
Additionally, the permeameter software considers the Klinkenberg Effect, which can often skew true permeability results. Glass slippage can be controlled by sampling multiple permeability measurements throughout the testing cycle and plotting the points on a graph. The points should align along a definitive line and intersect the y-axis, indicating Klinkenberg’s Permeability. The MetaRock software included with the SSK-300 allows the operator to easily control for gas slippage and calculate Klinkenberg’s Permeability by utilizing multiple sample measurements and graphically mapping data results.
Full PID auto tuning temperature controllers with bright, LCD displays enable maximum resolution and accuracy for upstream and downstream pressure measurements
Equipped with four mass flow controllers which allow the user to select the proper resolution based on sensed permeability value
The MetaRock custom designed automated control and data acquisition system built specifically for SS permeability
Oven-enclosed core holder maintains constant temperature for the duration of the test
Can be connected to any testing system, including high temperature, high pressure or compaction cell
Equipped with a laptop to maximize lab space
Min 1 in diameter. Max 1.5 in.
Sample sizes include 1“diameter and 1.5” diameter.