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Drilling and Wellbore Stability

The best way to verify the right approach to drilling /completion/stimulation fluids application and rock mechanics management is through reliable, high-quality laboratory testing. We partner with EVO Energy Consulting partners to bring you the very best in fluids and rock analysis. Our unique test facilities coupled with EVO’s experience and advice will provide you with unique guidance on the selection and management of the best fluids for borehole stability, reservoir damage avoidance, stimulation etc., and can provide valuable input on how to best stabilize wellbores and avoid lost circulation problems through optimum wellbore strengthening. If you are evaluating fluids from different vendors in a tender exercise, we can provide you with important input on the technical merits of each fluid system, allowing you to make the best-informed decision.


Particularly powerful is our coupling of rock mechanics tests (such as triaxial tests to characterize Mohr-Coulomb failure envelopes, pressure transmission tests and thick-wall cylinder tests to characterize the effects of fluids on wellbore stability) with industry-leading wellbore stability modeling using StressWorksTM, a unique software tool for optimum mud weight prediction, in order to achieve optimum wellbore stability.


Testing capabilities offered:

  • Standard Fluid Analyses – API RP 13B-1 & B2

  • Customized Fluid Tests

  • Friction Tests – friction coefficient determination for fracturing fluids

  • Barite Sag Tests

  • Lubricity Tests

  • Rock-Fluid Interactions and Borehole Stability Analyses


  • Confined and Unconfined Swelling Tests

  • Accretion Tests

  • Cuttings Disintegration Tests

  • Pressure Transmission Tests

  • Thick Walled Cylinder Tests with Fluid Exposure



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